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A Good Cup of Tea Solves Everything

By Jonathan L Trapman
24 March 2017

.... even a broken conscience and full frontal denial?

This week we saw another round in the Game of Thrones play piece of the Elite Deep State/Hidden Manipulators.

This time it was London’s turn to get the Terror Treatment

The swiftly managed drive-by to kill innocents on the pavement with a swift Jason Statham-like left turn barging into the ill protected gates of Parliament sealed the “Horror of London Attack by Terrorists” sequel to the already mountainous number of similar staged events around Europe and the world.

The sycophantic, fawning, obedient mainstream media reports only what it is told to report, the news outlets scream Terror! and Terrorists! in quick succession so as to blind and sear into the feeble consciousnesses of the Shocked Public the fact they are 'under attack from these crazed terrorists' from the Middle East.

 Despite the many eyewitness statements, fast forgotten, never again to be quoted that there were two people in the rampaging car, one bald and white fleeing the scene, leaving the patsy, Muslim convert to take the bullet, literally - the message broadcast and shouted from the rooftops of Whitehall and Fleet Street (yea, metaphoric for all pedants keen to say Fleet St no longer houses the press) was the Lone Wolf crazed knife man was “wot dunnit” in typical Sun tabloid vernacular.

Meanwhile as all this is being pummeled into the collective psyche, bombs, British bombs and bombers, US backed forces and the usual rag tag of truly terrorist forces are bombing the bejesus out of innocents, mothers, children and ordinary folk in Mosul, Yemen and Syria (illegally for that one) - as if any of the rest is legal!

The British are always told that we have (yes, I am designated British having been born here) a proud history of Empire and colonial oversight. Cajoled and caressed in the warm bosom of benign imperial rule, we are ordered to believe our actions to have been the forefront in conquering evil dictators, psychopathic killers, emperors and all other such ‘nasty folk' designated as evil.

Yet truth be told, as it never is in our educational establishments, we have possibly the worst record for slaughter, mayhem and historic karmic screwing with others even set against the present inglorious regime of empire USA style, previous Roman or Central Asian others. These truths would make every drop of milk in every cup of tea ever made, curdle instantly.

So to hear and see so many mopping at their tear stained hearts, caressing well played-with emotional responses and false selective empathy is sickening, considering the ignorance chosen by such players about the elite games played out in front of us and on our screens. My compassion and empathy for any creature's loss and demise is fully operational, however it is the cant and hypocrisy I wish to focus on. In so doing I am sure I will be placed, by some, in their pillory box constructed through ignorance, collusion and easily led masses, where they can hurl predictable rotten fruit and tomatoes of ire at one felt to be conspiratorial at best and heartless, without compassion for suffering at worse. Therein lies the sickest joke played on all such blind, deaf and ponerized folk.

A fool telling another they are the fool is to be pitied, not praised. Yet we are exhorted to praise the work of those held up as defending our democracy, freedom and way of life while all the time those among them are planning the next shock, horror event here or elsewhere to sell their specious deceits and overt lie they are only looking after our best interests.

If that was truly the case why therefore were the majority of CCTV systems in the most CCTV’d city in the world taken down around Westminster several weeks ago. The only one to have surfaced looks to have been positioned on top the MI6 HQ downriver! Where were all the rest that allegedly photograph our daily activity over 300 times a day per passer by?

Why was the entrance to Parliament so weakly guarded that day, when normally there are heavily armed police there? Of course the weak excuse that the man they shot as assailant was known to the security forces yet taken off their imminent threat list long ago, is as played out as passports of assailants, in the many similar events, being found intact at the scene of the crime. A fail in security of the most serious nature, is it not?

Meanwhile the British public measly laps up the incessant news broadcasts poured out as distraction deluxe and supped as whole food news. Accepting without retort the MSM viewpoint and reportage is truly a red flag of laziness, collusion and complicit agreement to a false god. The God of Tyranny dressed as Auntie. The predictable reporting of ISIS admission is a perennial, swiftly issued pronouncement as well. Due process must have its way in royal propaganda presentations, for sure.

Bottom line, the terrorists are those within corridors of power, those colluding to invade and sponsor their patsy terror groups dish out the mayhem on foreign shores and their foot soldiers, the home guard - the tea drinking, espresso swallowing, sycophants walking the streets of our cities, towns and villages tut tutting as to the dreadful state of the world, without a glimmer of asking any questions, difficult or not. All they look forward to is voting for even more lock down and security disabling an already harassed and set upon tired dog called freedom. Resting comfortably in their beds at night, ill aware the Powers that Be continue to drill into shape the next patsy, delusional disaffected, the next specially trained ‘oppo’ to go down on their very own suicide mission helping secure the future plans of the powerful, is not their concern they convince themselves. Got to look after the roof over the head, the kids and food on the table routine.

It really becomes so predictably tiring watching each script play out, each imprecation of horror foisted as the worst atrocity, the latest evil attack on freedom. Yet what is witnessed is exactly the mirror of what emanates from those professing to be the very guardians we look for. In far away places, foreign soil constantly invaded and destroyed they practice their real role all in the name of freedom and democracy.

How much longer we all allow this deceit to rule us is anyone’s guess. As long as the voices of truth are silenced, closed down or otherwise impeded from having full open airing then the road traveled will be long, cruel, deadly and arduous.

Of course it can always be blamed on the Russians, other boogeymen and their vile fraternal dictators of countries yet to submit to the collective rule of Empire but it will never be permissible for us to pull focus back and seriously question our own history, our own making and our own tyrannical despotism, dressed as empire. Such imperatives of inclusion in every educational establishment alive will remain a pipe dream until we awaken these truths so vile, so horrific, that once realised will make the young rise up, revolt and question everything sold them as truth and victors' history.

The tea sipping English generations too nice to look these ugly truths in the face will die with both karma and conscience unknown or undisturbed, awaiting a higher court's judgement. Yet pitifully their children and their childrens' children will forever be reminded of their ignorant, willing, quisling forebears in denial and collaborators with their chosen tyrannical masters.

For those who see the truth as bright as the lighthouse it is, they become the oaks of support the young can turn to and will act as a foundation upon which the whole can be staunched, rebuilt and renewed from its terminally rotting away root.

More tea vicar?

(Images used are expressly for the purpose of information, attribution having been made where known. No profit or gain is made from this public journalism)

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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