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Project Blame

The Feeble Febrile Art of Projection

By Jonathan L Trapman
3rd June 2019

...Blaming others merely shows your own weakness……

The so called ‘blame game’ the US, Anglo Zionists and all other puppets of their theatre play ad infinitum looks sometimes like the show will run further than The Mousetrap.

I learned early on in life, through practising it avidly myself that projection of one’s own faults and habits was an easy out to avoid attention or reprimand falling back onto you. However this delusion was mercifully cut short and learned swiftly and painfully for my own life lesson. Yet it seems so turgid, so Groundhogishly monotonous this constant political and psychotic drone against the latest ‘enemy’, played out by the empire’s losers and acolytes.

The Empire in present pole position, albeit wrapped in its own death shroud, spends pretty much most of its little time left, slagging off all and sundry who are not participating morons to their stench filled actions and edicts. . The presentation of truthful appraisal, those directly opposing this lawless, criminal genocidal bunch are earmarked and labelled “The Enemy”.

Listen closely to the truth these criminals espouse because do not misunderstand me, these bastards always speak the truth. It is a particular truth needing only one single item to reflect it. That item is a mirror. When spouted at its target it is in the main BS, lies and propaganda. Yet hold the mirror up to it and reflected is truth, pointing back to its delivering agent showing four square and centre where its truth lies.

Projection is such a simple yet oft used tool of attack, yet like the lie told in the ancient African fable it will always fly back and settle in its messenger’s pigeon hole of heart and mind.

This, in essence, is the fable:

“The White Warrior and Black Warrior face each other. They both have carrier doves residing in spaces scattered around their hearts. Some black, some white. The black representing lies, untruths and hate. The white ones truth, love and empathy. The White Warrior sends out a loving dove who finding no reciprocal white space returns. The Black Warrior send out a black dove of hate who also finding no free space has to return to its sender.”

Where there is no reciprocity, no acceptance of the delivered gift it immutably must return to its sender. Thus when lies, deception, hate, vilification are projected onto a non absorbent target it only means eventual return to inflict that suffering on the deliverer. We may not see that in our time, yet it is as certain as night follows day this becomes the outcome. The reverse however gains immediate reciprocity and results.

The evil in this world at present seems insurmountable. Yet if we individually reflect and seek how best we can alleviate, change round and better things, it becomes apparent it emanates directly and most powerfully from within our own hearts and minds.

We have been given seeming rabid tools of social, global interconnectivity. In themselves, like money, they hold no colour, no proclivity, just service. That we can be tracked, followed and our interactions used against us is another’s decision and responsibility and ours for accepting such states and what it may bring. It is our responsibility if we participate. It also remains irrelevant when set beside honest intention, integrity and implementation of such tools and how we make use of them.

As in Sun Zu’s Art of War:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

What becomes the most important element in fighting projection, outing it and allowing it to return to its sender when rejected is knowing ourselves. Our strength, as Sun Zu rightly points out is self awareness, knowledge and self knowing. It also happens to be the hardest road to travel. Yet this road once set upon rewards greater than anything we could ever purchase.

Today too many are too lazy to enquire, seek out and sacrifice. Until we individually take that challenge we shall continue on the incessant merry -go-round that is repetition of the same old, same old and we all know how Einstein vividly described that state as sheer lunacy.

To learn the truth of another’s mendacity and lies switch what they project around 180º and there you will have the truth of the matter.

As Sergei the Meercat says: “Simples!”

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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