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The Clear and Present Danger Has Always Been Psychopathic Zionism

By Jonathan L Trapman
27 July 2019

Is it too inhumane to ask why a belligerent, arrogant, self aggrandised group of psychopathic, genocidal, terrorist criminals are allowed to strut around the world stage using each and every one of their puppet sycophants to engage their blood and power lust on their behalf and at their behest?

We have presently a rotten empire dying, nay dead, swiping its loathsome tail around the globe, pretending it owns the place. We have corporate criminals stealing the life blood of people too inured by their trinket technology to recognise an act of zombification being perpetrated on them. We have the majority of the world's population starving, penniless and  suffering infernal subjugation, be it through war, denial and sanctioning of life necessities,  while a brazen few make money every nano second from all their tribulation.

We have clowns in government, paid off yes men and women to perform like rabid dogs, to the tune their masters play them. We have such inequality, perversion, abuse and satanic scheming that makes any biblical Sodom and Gomorrah pale into a picnic.

The agendas going down are multifaceted. The divisions created by each and every social media pundit is volumised to such a crescendo of crappery as to make division of people, groups, interest parties fight like cocks in the pit at each other. The venom, hate and spite thrown is merely the appetiser for the controllers and steerers of this madhouse circus.

The sodden, over worn  tactic of point and blame on others rises inexorably. It matters little be it anti semitism, anti gay, anti feminism, anti a million other easily digestible pieces of excremental BS. They all have the same purpose - to divide, control and subjugate to a level where jack boots are as easily able to crack a skull as stepping on an egg.

By their own words, actions and arrogance this psychopathic group of evil have over several centuries taken by stealth, deceit and overt belligerence, the world we presently inhabit.

As if immobilised by an invisible force, most people disregard, are ignorant of or wilfully cow tow to such brutal rule. Most are taught to blame those that truth tell. Many of these truth tellers are liquidated, incapacitated, refused any air of expression. Mass media and social outlets have been from the get go, controlled, owned and manipulated by these forces.

It is almost exhaustingly futile to say we must stand up and refuse these controllers, yet most people believe it is beyond their power to resist, even if they wished to.

RESISTANCE IS FUTILE is what they want you to believe. It never has been impossible, and nothing presently existing makes it so today. It merely demands a refusal to play the game, a willingness to voice loud and long the truth. The determination to cleanse minds polluted with such venal rubbish, saturated with such bigotry whose modus operandi is violence is overarching and imperative.

The Terrorist State of Israel in its present constituent parts is the most evil, satan, racist, anti-semitic entity of earth. Each one of its quislings, be it in the USA, UK, EU or any other part of the world makes itself a pariah to humanity. There can be no other solution than to lock up and take these vermin away from society.

If we wish for psychopathy to rule this planet then do absolutely nothing and expect less than nothing. If there is even an iota of desire for humanity's continued survival, it is not to be  found in the overblown, misguided vocalisation of climate change and other vociferous distractions. They will have their due time and place but today in the here and now the cancer of psychopathic Zionism and craven Kazharian criminality must be cut out from the body of humanity if it has any chance whatsoever of survival.

For all those seeing an impossible journey, I say start within and operate on your own ignorance, shortsightedness, lack of love, empathy and conditioning from year dot. Destroy your own procrastination, selfish 'me culture' and intransigence. Only when the warrior's own vessel is purified can the cleansing proceed on the outer field of play.

None of us were placed here to live meaningless lives. Not one of us was meant to add zero to the experience of life. Many may have decided to choose this path out of selfish choice not imperative. Every choice has its rewards, its outcomes. Never complain when those outcomes destroy you.

Choose Better! Act Swiftly!

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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