No matter how shocking, how terrible, criminal and psychopathic things present themselves there are always cracks appearing where the light will always be let in. When surrounded by darkness it is very hard to remember that light is merely not present. It never means it has been extinguished.
The birds, they sang
At the break of day
Start again, I heard them say
Don’t dwell on what has passed away
Or what is yet to be.
What we have in this moment is development, process towards the best in ourselves and in the wider environment. To proceed in this moment stuck on what has passed will never allow the present to gift itself in its wisdom and fullness.
Yeah, the wars
They will be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
Bought and sold and bought again
The dove is never free.
The wars we support, rage against and fight are always a physical emanation of our lesser being allowing such primitive reactions to rule. The wars within us are raging as you read this, unresolved and not dealt with. We are, most of us, unwilling to admit or even process these feelings, habits and reactions that by and through themselves are witnessed in the wider world. The outer is and always has been a reflection of the inner. That is what makes us unable to live free, be free and celebrate freedom. We are both the jailor and jailed.
Do not believe those that insist we live in a free society, a free world and are blessed beyond others. Such arrogance and sheer ignorance displays only a childish, undeveloped view of the actual inner and outer world. Both are tarnished and covered in varying degrees of untruth, lies and self deception.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Looking for the idealists’ answer is merely chasing rainbows. Nothing is perfect. Everything is in process, so whittling, weaving, honing is far more creative than standing in a position of determined intransigence. That crack is what is imperative to uncover, expose and make available to everyone who desires freedom and the full flow of their humanity. Shedding light on the unknown makes it a part of the known moving forward.
We asked for signs
The signs were sent:
The birth betrayed
The marriage spent
Yeah, the widowhood of every government
Signs for all to see.
Believing someone else will sort your life and problems is the soaked nappy of childish belief. The only time we need protection while growing are those formative years. After adulthood is reached we have to, for better or worse find out the way and the meaning of our reason to be here and why we all are part of a process of growth. Slavery does not offer that, subservience also denies it. The breaking of bonds is what experience offers us. We ignore its lessons at our peril. Certainly we witness today that governments, royalty are in no way our servants. They have established their supremacy through becoming our masters. Time to stop the persistence of make believe.
I can’t run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places say their prayers out loud
But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up a thundercloud
They’re gonna hear from me.
Once awakened it is imperative to face head on the malfeasance, the lying arrogance and self interest of power. Those not respecting and always breaking the law are low life even at the top. By their actions, example and sheer hubris, they daily expose their evil and criminal intent. Again the awake have that sacred duty of calling to account this obsessive imbalance.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Search and find those cracks!……..
You can add up the parts
You won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march
There is no drum
Every heart, every heart
To love, will come
But like a refugee.
As much as we’ll be thrown division and tempted to sow it, this will never gain the traction and end result we know in our hearts is attainable. The martial attrition they offer is nothing. Their empire ways are dead, to many who have the eyes to see, it is fossilised already. We are the answer, not any Me! Me! Me!. None of the I want chants modern technology throws our way will in any way fertilise the ground for the harvest our hearts know is coming. As we hold our arms open to those without, we support those who cannot support themselves, offer our haves to those that have not. Become community in the way no young person has yet experienced and fewer and fewer of the elders remain to testify to – then the hearts and minds will be not only attracted to but won over
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
That’s how the light gets in
That’s how the light gets in.
We are truly the light bringers. We know in our hearts where those cracks are. It is up to us to crack them open. We are the Many they are the Few.
Deep respect and gratitude to Leonard Cohen for his lyrics from ‘Anthem’
Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.
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