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A Letter To Parliament

By Jonathan L Trapman

The Prime Minister's personal slur on my good name

After the most appaling slur delivered to the British people by the head of the British Government, The Hon. David Cameron, I decided to take personal action. 
He had called a swiftly imposed Parliamentary debate on whether the British people ought to go to war against a universally known terror by the various names it goes by - ISIS, Daesh, Al Qaeda etc, etc. Since that slur was aimed at myself personally and millions of others, I took the unprecedented step of writing to the Standards Commissioner at Parliament for him to take action over this criminal act.

I strongly suggest many others take the same step and complain in the strongest terms about this cowardly, criminal slander of all good people everywhere.

Here is the email address: [email protected]

The letter was sent to the Standards Commissioner at the Houses of Parliament. 

Herein are the contents:

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express how appalled and disgusted I am that the present Prime Minister of Great Britain can stand up in front of the whole nation and target and label myself, along with millions of others as "Terrorist Sympathisers" and get away with it. 

He may feel he has Parliamentary privilege to slander me and so many others. To commit libel with impunity under the protection of Parliamentary privilege is heinous and criminally accountable. Frankly, as there is no redress I can respond to against this protection, the only means I have of expressing my horror, disgust and total abhorrence of such cowardly practice, let alone complete disregard for a privileged and responsible position, is to beg you to uphold the appropriate standards and conditions, I had thought were in place to stop this sort of hooligan behaviour from someone endowed with, albeit a minuscule percentage (23%), of the country's vote. 

He ought to be the paragon of responsibility, showcasing and practicing the best image of what we here in this country would like to consider, a democratic process and governance. 

He seems to have put all that to one side in a cheap and offensive blow below the belt to hit a nation, up in arms. 

This man, The Honourable(?) David Cameron, stood last year at the United Nations Assembly and pronounced to the world that he was out to "attack and...defeat … all forms of extremism, not just violent extremism... we must stop the so called non violent extremists from inciting hatred and intolerance ... some will argue that this is not compatible with free speech and intellectual inquiry…and so it seems that opposition, which is the job description of those on the other side of the House, alongside 90% of the country who disagree most strongly with his stance, are now deemed "Terrorist Sympathisers" and illegal. 

The man has taken Orwell to a whole new level of unbelievable idiocracy. 

If it was not so serious and nation threatening it might just slip under the fence of "dark humour" 

Please take action against this man, who is irresponsible to stand or even take on the position of Prime Minister, to be fully censured and stripped of his position and at least apologise, though that gesture lost its potency on the first of the 12 refusals to do so in the Parliamentary debate yesterday. 
Yours sincerely

Slandering a Nation at a stroke of 10!

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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