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Bringing Minds Home and Under Control

Bringing Minds Home and Under Control

By Jonathan L Trapman
18 June 2019

In their ideal world all empires search for a total handle and control on their population...

In their ideal world all empires search for a total handle and control on their population, where only restricted thinking, a mindset of endless slavery, subservience and total obedience to the Empire is maintained.

Until the 20th century these aspirations remained in the Land of Dreams. Today we live in that land, most of us remaining unaware the transgressions perpetrated on us through a massively manipulated technological and ideological industry.

“I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.” — Claude Shannon

How such ignorance has been inculcated and impressed on our global population is through incessant repetition of storylines depicting evil dictators going for world domination, finally being destroyed by the good guys. Through films and entertainment outlets we have drunk these in copiously. Yet these evil criminal entities are, in reality, those displaying themselves, like peacocks, as the beneficial good guys, intent on bringing all an ease, comfort and peace they are indoctrinated to dream of.

Do you notice how often the word dream is thrown into the crowd? The American Dream, (nightmare as George Carlin so rightly ascribed), your dream house, dream life, dream holiday, dream girl/boyfriend. How the expectations are drilled into us, seemingly innocuously and projected equally innocently through the storylines in film, TV and media?

The invention of the moving image, the birth of Hollywood, television and now the Internet have all become the hijacking tools for dissemination of mind seeded ideals, dreams and visions of a future where humans are the pinnacle of their existence among the panoply of nature, its creatures and the environment. Ironically all the time it is the destruction of nature, its creatures and the environment that struts alongside these deceitful illusions.

In the days of the Roman Empire, it was the bread and circus that kept the crowds supplicant, satiated and most of all distracted from realities perpetrated against them. Today our technological bread and circus is no different towards means and ends, it just looks and acts shinier, more alluring and tempting. Like fish rising to pellets thrown them, we gobble up these trinkets, the distractive apps, the utterly mind numbing soaps and entertainment believing we are better off. We kid ourselves big time that we hold the precious flame freedom, live a life of ease and betterment our ancestors would be in awe of.

From this writer's point of view, writing these truths and observations often feels akin to living a constant Groundhog Day, where no matter how many times truths are told, shared and explained the world's dumbing down, servitude and silence on these matters stays stuck, like some old Anemometer, locked foretelling no wind, no disturbing storm brewing, just the occasional summer breeze, while all around a hurricane of control, enslavement and deceit finally gets screwed into place. Whipping us all into order where every breath, every movement both facial, actual and mental is recorded, noted and logged is their nirvana being processed.

Dystopian you might think. You'd be one hundred percent correct. Never happen really, you add. Wrong! It is here, embedded and embedding deeper as people persist in believing it could never  really happen. The protestation “I’ve done nothing wrong, so what harm is all this fear of surveillance?” must be the most heinous cognitive dissonance, ignorant appraisal and worse, utter refusal to admit the sheep in front, around and behind you offering these trinkets, are wolves disguised as convenience, more choice and greater personal freedom.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act - attributed to George Orwell

We all can attest the encroachment of moving images, press media, television in its invasion of the deepest corners of our lives. So many accept this as one more marvel of entertainment, progress writ large, information spread widely and a greater opportunity for growth in knowledge.

Rethink! - Bread and Circus.

In Roman times the Frumentarii, whose original remit was to collect wheat tariffs, doubled up as the secret service of the Empire. Today we have, traversing through and into all areas of our lives, the CIA, NSA, IRS, GCHQ, MI5, JIO, Inland Revenue, FSB, CSS, RPS etc. Worldwide intensive connectivity where all and more of these entities link themselves, enable control of a global population.

The key to this jail cell we have willingly permitted ourselves to be locked into is in our own hands.

Truth has to be sought—in tears, in sorrow, in desperate revolt; here a little and there a little gained, and when gained held against all comers for the sake of humanity and sometimes at the cost of life itself - Charlotte Despard, The Great Conspiracy

The birth of social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube, offer the dream in extremis. All are owned and run by a technocracy of oligarchic, self serving psychopaths, who have all consciously and willingly sold themselves to the controlling powers. Its tech and owners' souls swallowed into these national and international security services, combine and create a behemoth of such vast reach as to be all encompassing. Technology, both in physical and mental terms has reached a point whereby we are all suckered in on some level or other, unless of course we live in the wilderness, way off grid.

To whatever degree that suckering attaches itself by way of our needs, desires and impulses, we are trapped while connected. Collectively we have bought wholesale the proposition technology is good, when in actuality it is neutral until manipulated.The mantra it advances is that it brings us closer to that time where we humans need to sweat less, relax more and live our freedom out loud. This lie, as presently presented, reverberates like a tolling bell of doom, while sounding to the sheep like wedding bells. So many utterly fail to comprehend that buying into this belief, is buying into a phantom dream sold, a mirage portrayed and only able to operate because we turn off both individual and collective control and autonomous direction.

It may look like choice, yet it remains a superbly crafted lie. It may look like we are in control of our own lives, yet  when the plug is pulled leaving us incommunicado, without reach, fighting uncontrolled freezers, baby alarms, front door lock outs, the loss of television and computer interactivity, out of control autonomous cars, no street or public lighting and without any access to fiat and digital currencies, the truth is revealed. The ultimate prison with no bars visible; yet for a dumbed down utterly dependent population this is  terminal withdrawal of freedom and independence.

We already vote electronically making our choices open to manipulation, to whatever lie is the delicious deception of the day. Crowd control is effected through levels of microwave frequencies within Active Denial Systems.  

Augmented and virtual reality replace our true reality thanks to 5, 6 and their interminable Gs and beyond, invited through our insatiable desire for anything but reality. With the realisation of the harm and entrapment these portend the swift vocalisation of so many screaming they never saw it coming and their unremitting denial it was ever their fault is laughable and pitiful. Allowance and acceptance through a pathetic desire for easy entertainment and virtual connectivity encourages and drives the relentless domination of these modalities now seeded.

The Internet of Things sounds so palatable, so innocuous does it not?

It allows the ignorant to salivate on what it enables them to enjoy, create and get immersed in. All the time this ignorance to the reality drawing them in, like technological Sirens or arachnid magnets to a web far darker than any Dark Web. It blinds and fools them with impunity. This web looks light, glorious and the answer to all problems and challenges. All the time it is manipulated to continue imprisonment of all within a suffocating, unbreakable controlled environment that demands total submission and an adherence to unquestioned obedience.

Recently we have witnessed total blackouts across two vast countries in South America. Venezuela has been targeted through its energy grid to surrender itself to the Empire. Global drop out at various stages and intensity of social media apps demonstrate the ease of denial of services. Terrorist infestation of infrastructure grids in the Russian Federation set themselves on a quiet cyber war against those more likely to spill the truth. The list grows almost daily.

We are told to believe Huawei is set on infiltrating and holding to ransom the West's infrastructure, while in reality the accusers are the very perpetrators of these actions, blaming their 'enemies' while asserting they are the ones upholding and protecting us all from evil and criminality. How so many cannot see through this ever thinning veil covering these lies is astounding as well as down right frightening.

There is no longer any division between the entertainment and news industries. Seamlessly absorbed into each other, over and above incestuous breeding, Hollywood has, over many decades, inculcated as 'normal' mind control, pre-crime, the substantive coercive state interventions targeting non-imminent crimes, alien invasions, acceptance of pedophilia as a social particle and psychopathy as merely a disease able to be cured. While such absurd lies are projected and injected, they get obscured and 'forgotten' through the delivery of newer and better tech toys offered to a deluded population. This age old technique keeps the truth as far away as possible while the addicts get even more addicted.

In reality these 'toys' join the prison cell dots invisibly, slaughtering, in the medium to long term, many and enabling a conditioning no previous bread and circus could have possibly dreamed of in their wildest fantasies.

The rabbit hole runs deep. The desire to change nothing, inculcated and programmed into so many minds as best option and easy out, is the evil elixir too many plump for. If they but knew how self administered their own suicide was, both physical and mental, they might think twice. Yet weak minds remain fallow fields for sowing all manner of servility seeds.

In a world saturated with confusion, division, redirection and full blown propagandised BS, taking the simplest action to release oneself is seen as a mountain too far. Simple now becomes complex, war peace, lies truth and so on and on.

The addict's greatest challenge is to leave the needle, booze, snort, theft and curdled mind behind for good. The thought of retraining mental processes exciting these addictions, let alone physical abstinence, looms huge and seeming insurmountable, yet breaking oneself from technology that invades, takes over and redirects your every moment is exactly what needs to be enacted.

Grounded skills, artisanal expertise, wise counsel, common sense, self reliance and solid mental strength become the currency of sanity and equilibrium. In a world bankrupt of all these today, this foreknowledge is gold.

To kick the addiction is why we all are here. You can call it what you like but bottom line that is it. Whether we succeed cannot be judged good or bad. The mission is without colour or judgement. It is simply Mission Experience. We are all the result of efforts  encountering challenge, succumbing to or overcoming them. That the soul can never be jailed is a truth deserving first and foremost place in our mind, if we are to survive as whole beings and ultimately warriors in this world.

We will never move from our present state and place unless we awaken to what and who we truly are. We can never unlock our own self imposed jail time until we are prepared to take such action as is necessary to free ourselves. That entails dropping all preconceptions we have spent a lifetime holding to. To rely on others to do that for us is lunatic. We have to investigate exactly and precisely our own self, get to know and love it and be prepared to make changes when those parts no longer serving us, still hang around dementedly demanding centre stage.

It becomes imperative we dispense with any other telling us what to do. It demands questioning every imposition foisted on us, any good/bad thrust on us because we are told it is bad/good for us and that we need it or must avoid it. To ask every time that telling question -  cui bono (who benefits)?. It exhorts each of us grow up, be the adult we must become. The actions needed to retain an operational critical mind and develop our innate critical faculties become imperative. This can really only happen once we dispense with everything preventing our autonomous mind and output to function properly.

Orienting towards like-minded and positively driven minds, conscious communities, (tiny, small or large) built on trust, transparency, justice and tolerance executed through unconditional love is a starting point within both reality and our potential. Best encountered in the flesh, it demands getting out, meeting, sharing and forever questioning with an open mind and heart. Executing the off switch controlling tech is best practice.

Is this too much to ask of ourselves for a freedom where others cannot dictate what freedom should mean and where autonomy and knowledge bring forward a greater Ecology of Oneness and a life worthy of true explorers and pioneers?

For myself I know it is not.

'Cause the line between
Wrong and right
Is the width of a thread
From a spider's web
The piano keys are black and white
But they sound like a million colours in your mind

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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