It seems to be obvious most people living in the West are either inexplicably unaware of psychopathy in power or are too lazy to realize their lives are one premeditated march to concentration camps of either total servitude or annihilation. In the days before mass mind control became a global science, it was easy to be persuaded “Nazi Baddies” committed by far the worst crimes against humanity or Ghengis Khan was the scourge of the medieval world, to take but two examples.
Back then these events in their own ways, were masterfully manipulated to project an image of diabolical genocide on innocents, generational targeted cultures and anyone else serving as political emotional power triggers for labeling crimes against humanity. You might be persuaded to believe there was a master plan by those controlling the narrative to build a better world for all to live in. Many did just that and allowed a trenchant, maniacal lust for power and absolute control to be forged.
It was done so within a contextual language, among other means, parrying and avoiding the reality committed. Killing innocent people becomes collateral damage, kill boxes, a video game visuology for areas earmarked for destruction and embedding, a term revolting to my own circumstance, to paper over and explain away the factual placement of journalists, witness reporters disallowed to report only a particular slant of propagandized pulp fed the masses. The very word ‘terrorist‘ has become synonymous with anyone who breaks away from the status quo, the accepted norm and everything connected to disobedience to the entrenched system.
These word manipulations are essential to the purpose. They are pure NLP and their purpose is to desensitize the reader/listener, condition the mind, redirect the senses to the actuality they are being informed of or shown. We see this in other such unctuous and revolting descriptors: Fair Trade, infant mortality, Christian/Muslim/Jewish children/unfortunates/refugees and other such targeted segregatory terms. Then another huge lie dressed as acceptable – climate change! Orwell would be crawling and spinning in his grave and to remind ourselves of his own advice would seem timely:
“Let the meaning choose the word, and not the other way around”.
So how do these things relate to psychopathy and terrorists you may ask?
In a world run and controlled by psychopathic leaders, henchmen/women and authoritarian followers across every tranche of life, enacting what their leaders promote to then mirror, the sick game – we are swiftly and surely being ponerized and drawn into what is established as the acceptable norm. Programing and conditioning minds not strongly and practiced in critical thinking is the main objective, so that further conditioning is maintained and directed.
Ordinary folk ask how is it that the degeneration we witness today can be acceptable. So many wonder why the mainstream media do not point out the bloody obvious. What can be done to reverse such blind adherence and accepted normalcy of hundreds, thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of people being blighted, ostracized, mutilated and murdered in the cause of a better world and ‘freedom and democracy’ ?
The answer is simple – we are being groomed to become our best psychopathic self. For those failing to comply they are hunted down, slaughtered, ostracized or mocked terminally.
The bottom line is – we all carry within us the psychopathy gene, the tendency towards full blown psychopathic behavior. Many display sociopathic tendencies and are often encouraged to extol them – the neo-liberal movement in the US recently shaming itself shamelessly comes to mind. Under the right tutelage, mind control and guidance we are all able to succumb to our very own terrorist, our unique psycho killing machine.
We only need to look at the schooling and social conditioning of the youngest among us to see this planned and ordered campaign in action. Hollywood may portray the arch criminal, the child killer, the cannibal as the only psychopath of import. Pathetically this very portrayal to mold our mental comprehension is all part of the smoke and mirrors. They will never admit their own psychopathy and intent to defraud and deform our intellectual foundations.
Too many of us have been ‘bought’ through technology tools perfectly formed to distract, denude mental acuity and perfected to create dependency through external stimulae and forces under their control.
How otherwise can we explain why we say nothing as hundreds of thousands are gassed, killed maimed and genetically deformed for generations in Yemen, in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan? Why do we not rise up and demand those poisoning millions, chocking us and treating us like cattle in the USA, Europe, Africa and elsewhere?
You think we in the so called civilized West are not being maimed, crippled, poisoned and exterminated like the poorest in the labeled pariah states chosen as the necessary extermination centers of Western greed and hegemony?
Think again. The pharmaceutical companies, food corporations, so called health agencies and other corporate and military industrial criminals rely on our addiction to their poisons and hardware to milk us every day of our shortening lives.
These actions are not the actions of a humanity entrenched society. They are the criminal actions of a psychopathic driven tribe to greed and self interested accumulation at any cost.
We should be revolting in the streets, in the cities and villages of our world. Yet we accept this as part of a depravity we cannot effect. Such is the spineless reaction of the many we are happy to give away our greatest weapon against this monstrous imposition – ourselves.
Withdrawing our cooperation, support and connection to these people, their system is the only way we re-own and retake our power.
Until we do this meaningfully, massively we can expect the slaughter of the masses to gain even more traction and strength. As we allow it to grow we have only our indolent selves to blame but even that truth will be cast upon the next proscribed third party object of evil, as the lies perpetrate the necessity for the killing spree to continue – for the rape and theft of our natural heritage to be plundered incessantly.
What a sorry dance we perform – like pathetic caged animals in a dystopian zoo we keep ourselves at the mercy of the circus whip and the cruelty of the ongoing orgiastic show!
Some further useful informative reading:
Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.
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