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Only When Super Heroes are Slaughtered Will Growth Flourish

By Jonathan L Trapman
09 August 2019

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, 
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Super Heroes, Super Powers, Avenging Angels, God like Interventionists have always been the stuff of child-like fantasies. Pressed into the service to replace adult responsibility, personal courage and critical thinking The Dark uses these mind games to queer reality, casting a sombre shroud across a bitterly enfeebled people.

We all look for someone else to resolve our travails. The 'deus ex machina' is a favoured theatrical get out clause from impossible odds, implausible and irresolvable dead ends. Religion uses separation, disempowerment and ignorance of personal power to control. Hollywood and their criminal story tellers invoke ideas and beliefs that some force - human, semi human, alien or other - will come through and bring on the happy/miserable ending.

You could posit ancient  myth and legend are equally responsible. Archetypes are the backbone to inspire greater vision, strength in growth. Yet these very archetypes have little equivalence when compared to the Super Hero et al. Admittedly loosely based on eternal archetypes, our modern renditions are so polluted with the propagandised, so often US based, image of the Hero that merely watching films and stories produced, it becomes blatantly obvious to the critically thinking mind, they are mere pastiches of solid propaganda pacifying a ponerised populace.

The only real work in this life both collectively and individually is cleansing, clearing the lens and substance of one's own inner dustbin of expired beliefs, excess baggage, hand me downs and well honed controlled, superimposed thinking.

For too many this process, be it through ill education, upbringing, laziness or intransigence, is a step too far. The comfort in maintaining a belief someone else will clear the inner shit house is not only delusional but downright dangerous to both that victim and the world it moves within. Cognitive dissonance is poison accepted as truth serum.

Entertainment is distraction. Today it also struts the stage in its garb of disingenuous deceit. Entrapped in a virtual world of self importance, Me, Me, Me reaction and utter callous disregard for others, bordering on psychopathic, we swallow this fetid fodder as nourishment and harmless.

Monsanto is a mere add on to our own self destruction whilst technology seeds genetically modifying poison into DNA softened for alteration.

Creation and all that is in existence, is neither good nor bad. How it is interpreted, utilised and directed injects it with potency. In its base element, its purpose and interaction is to benefit the whole. Humanity has shown more often than not that stewardship interlaced with overarching ego and arrogance becomes its own self destruct mechanism as well as dividing itself from that whole. Perhaps even this is neither bad nor good yet one more experiential learning process on a truly cosmic board of play we could never really comprehend. In charge of and responsible for our own small picture, it becomes incumbent on each of us to rise to that challenge and learn and grow.

The ability to destroy ourself, our assets and opportunities fro growth are immeasurable. Super Heroes are the very last thing we need but sickeningly are the very desired things we seek for our salvation. Religion must die if we are to grow.

Infamously the expression of "Kill the Buddha, if you see him on the road" has been much misunderstood, yet its meaning simply invokes and pleads a position that when you think you know all, feel enlightened to the limit, it becomes imperative to slaughter that misconception as you still know nothing!

Equally - "Slaughter the Super Hero when offered it" - exhorts each of us to find that power, that inner super power and will. Keep honing it, burnishing it and proving to oneself infinity is a road best travelled and filled with every experience we must encounter if we are to remain as interconnected to the whole as we sometimes dream of!

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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