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Weaponisation of Language
To Deceive

By Jonathan L Trapman
06 July 2019

Three words used in any rounded discussion, any legitimate questioning, any political or ethical reportage seen to have even a smidgen of opposition are immediately weaponised and lobbed back at the 'assailant' as anti-semitism.

These words are weaponised by only one particular small, belligerent group, and most often themselves the  perpetrators of the very assailing they rail against. These types only objective is to shut down, stymied and diminish all and everything that questions their legitimacy, most time illegitimacy to perpetrate sick, genocidal, psychopathic war lording through the many proxies they control, onto a world truly sick of their endless games of lording over and domination.

No other group, let alone culture, nation or tribe has ever been allowed to perpetrate this  belligerence on so many by so few and be supported for it by the monied, blackmailed, eagerly assisting sycophants, greed chasers and puppets that make up the powerful cabals of control.

Global Warming, climate change agendas written by these yobs, ethnic cleansing, racism, societal division, divide and rule and rank deception through media and other channels, along with most every other distraction under the sun, are foisted and encouraged by them.

The three words are - Jew, Jewish and State-of-Israel (technically three words however always lobbed in as one!)

In a time of obfuscation and reinterpretation it has slipped many peoples' notice that factually there can never be a political group or state that is able to be anti-semitised. If this was possible then discussion, degradation, opposition of a state or political entity could lead to massive cries of anti-capitalism, anti-communism, anti-whateverism.

The sheer folly of the proposition of anti-semitism as a shut up and put down of any opposition, shows a crass, yet highly successful mobilisation of containment, denial and control of free speech, free thought and individual expression. All of this is predicated on a narrative, thinly based on historical factual evidence, yet never to the degree it is promoted, of a Jewish people being the world's most persecuted.

Those that have promoted this into the ballooning myth it has become did so with targeted intention. Promotion of victim conscientiousness, exploding it to encompass the fallacy one particular group to have a divine right of ascendency over all others, is as warlike a posture as any. To set oneself up as being the global rightful masters of the universe through inflation of an original fairy tale must be the mark of arrogance above all arrogance.

That a group of trouble makers, for that is what they are historically recognised as, to then decide to infest, inhabit, overcome and occupy the identity of what has always been through history a nomadic, stateless group, shows the wily, deceitful and criminal nature these people have continued to perpetrate.

Their weaponising of language, the independent culture of Jewish people, twisting it into their vision and appropriation for their own nefarious ends is a declaration of war on hiumanity.

Like all invaders, dictators and totalitarian despotic regimes what they point at others as  crimes against them merely illustrate exactly what they perpetrate on the world. The fact so many have been succoured in, ponerised and mind controlled to believe these lies is a huge challenge to truth, justice and humanity.

In truth, in the order of that most urgently needing our collective attention, this criminal regime, this unscrupulous cartel is the most important cancer we need to cut from the global body, if we as a human race wish to survive.

This is no overdramatic statement. The truth is seen, demonstrated and implemented from the very bowels of their interfering deceits, the very profusion of the anti-semitic slur rained down on anyone, especially the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

His decades long fight against the genocidal treatment of Palestinians, the righteous defence of those infected and labouring under racism, his truly integrity riven stance across so many arenas of life, show these very potent actions threaten the base of the Anglo Zionists.

The force and determination to smear the good is merely a campaign of desperate measures from a more and more desperate bunch of criminal liars. Language is important. Use of language erroneously is criminal when it deflects from truth.

If we value our individual lives we must all rise up and voice our most concerted efforts to slam the Zionist political agenda into oblivion.

It is evil, arrogant, genocidal, malignant and one that has no place ever in any world describing itself as both civilised and human.

Be no longer deceived and betrayed by these faux Jews. They are nothing but common criminals, traitors to humanity and worse than vermin wishing and creating war, division and destruction by proxy on any and every kind that is not themselves.

Anti Zionism must be the constant cause and action from every decent human being in the world, lest preference falls to being destroyed one vile lie at a time by psychopaths and darkness!

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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