
The Great British Mortgage Swindle

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The Great British Mortgage Swindle

By Jonathan L Trapman
23 September 2019

The fraud perpetrated through the banking scandals and crash of 2008 have exposed how nearly 11 million mortgage holders in the UK have been swindled

An overused maxim in the English language is – An Englishman’s home is his castle.

It is becoming patently obvious to many thousands the bankers, mortgage industry and other players have been involved in a criminal exercise of such a scale as to convince everyone taking out a mortgage they have been treated legally. This is as far from truth as you can imagine. Their castle was stormed, ravaged and sacked from the get go!

The fraud perpetrated then exacerbated through the banking scandals and crash of 2008 illuminates how nearly 11 million mortgage holders in the UK have been traduced into accepting a financial charade literally robbing them in broad daylight of their hard earned cash. For many it has meant eviction, repossession and in several cases suicide through aggravated stress. If this sounds fantastical, illusory and full of “they would never do that to us” then read on and discover the nasty little and large habits and criminal activities stripping you daily of your cash, right to own outright with no mortgage and freedoms.

It Was The Conveyancing Solicitors Wot Done It

How the Banks are caving in - read full report

Two ultra determined individuals, whose stories drew each of them towards the light of truth through very dark and stressful individual journeys, have made it their mission and life’s work to expose a criminality that dives deep into the very foundations of our financial and economic systems. It enables the exposition of a criminal fraud affecting millions, far bigger than even the Government initiated PPI scandal recently. These two major justice, truth seekers and film makers – Michael O’Bernicia and Michael O’Deira have initiated through their individual stories and those they came across, a process to challenge this illegal and obfuscating trompe d’oeil (trick of the eye) the banks have blindfolded us all for decades. Their film – The Great British Mortgage Swindle – records over eight years the depth of criminality enacted by mortgage companies, banks, financial and judicial institutions.

Article on The Great British Mortgage Fraud

The fraud perpetrated through the banking scandals and crash of 2008 have exposed how nearly 11 million mortgage holders in the UK have been swindled - read full article

I recently went to London to catch a film presentation at one of the capital’s main cinema complexes. Here I met the Michaels, alongside many others who have been inspired to join this righteous movement and are determined to be part of the first wave of class action to the Supreme Court against this fraud.

The film and various links at the end of this article allow anyone interested to follow up becoming another one of the near 11 million mortgage holders who are awakening to the truth they have been played big time and had money stolen off them.

In the wake of the US sub-prime mortgage crisis, the UK housing market collapsed, the reality of which was much more shocking that the public ever imagined.Insolvent banks were lending money they didn’t have; mortgage fraud had been common practice for decades; conveyancing solicitors were giving illegal advice; whilst the police were violently enforcing the selective application of the law.Then, when all seemed lost, a call to action rallied thousands from all over Britain, in support of the mavericks who took on the might of the banks, armed with nothing except the facts.Nine years in the making, The Great British Mortgage Swindle is an urgently prescient, emotionally compelling and ultimately uplifting film, which lifts the lid on institutionalised mortgage fraud and the brutality of eviction by court order.

The literal translation from French of the word Mortgage is Death Pledge! That gives you some idea as to the dark nature of what so many have endured.

• Outstanding mortgage lending stood at £1.451 trillion in Q1 of 2019.
• There are 10.94 million mortgages in the UK.
• Making the average mortgage debt amounting to £132,633.

One of the primary conditions for a successful banking operation to launch itself, depends on drawing funds out of people’s income they have persuaded them to deposit. The banks hold the money, re-lend it along with an invisible nine times its worth. This is called fractional banking Due to ignorance, susceptibility, lethargy and blind sidedness people come to believe, when they subsequently ‘borrow’ from the bank, they are accessing real solid money. In fact they are being loaned fiat pieces of paper, promissory notes.

These promissory notes are illusory ‘money‘. In law they are acknowledged as currency, transactional worth. When a mortgage company/bank agree to lend you £X,000s all they are doing are adding a promissory note into a system that then generates a numerical value to said note. Out of thin air they ‘plant‘ that sum into your ‘account‘. You feel richer, they have created a debt and business is transacted as if by magic from that famed money tree. The way in which this is committed in the mortgage arena is such as to enact an illegal fraud. This fraud is covered by a code of practice, illegal in itself but accepted by the banking club as their legal interpretation by omission. It is this fraud that is now exposed, revealed to be endemic in the mortgage system and is legally proven to be what it really is. Such legal precedence lays the pathway for many millions of people to reclaim their true property entitlement, all monies already dispensed and the evisceration of an age old criminal fraternity.

In the links below these facts and full details are laid out in far greater detail and factuality. Suffice it to say we are all collectively standing on the edge of a mighty rupture we collectively are making in the financial, economic and banking system that has, for far too long held a stranglehold over the population.

Many have queried how is it possible to break this cartel of criminals. What actions are needed to individually and collectively smash a system created for the Few and inured on the Many. Well, in this we have the perfect storm and potential to make the cracks already riven into the dam, enlarge and burst a flooded bubble too long inflated at our cost.

Change is inevitable. For those with mortgages round their neck this is a cost free opportunity to release yourself from these shackles. It is truly collective endeavour making waves turning into a tsunami.

Finally it must be acknowledged that without the work so painfully carried out, the sacrifices many have endured to see justice win over injustice and the selfless endurances and operations the Michaels have created and formulated for all our benefits, we would still be wishfully thinking some unknown deus ex machina to come forth and overcome our enslaved lives.

Support the gift these links offer by spreading this message and making others aware there is a way through, a way forward that shines light into the darkest and desolate places.

Together we are powerful, together we win!


RT’s Renegade Inc interview of Michael O’Bernicia and Michael O’Deira

RT’s Renegade Inc interview of Michael O’Bernicia and Michael O’Deira

Revolution against the present screwed, manipulated and purposefully divisive political system is so long overdue that it will have to have all the mould scrapped off it for it to be even visible.

The actions of a stunted Royalty in all this shows once more, any sycophantic morons who still dote on the Royal family’s worth have no clue as to how Her Majesty’s impotent assent to Parliament could never have been otherwise. Neutered comes nowhere near reality. Off with their proverbial heads and retirement paying back the wealth her subjects fed her and her entourage through taxes and hard earned survival pennies.

The Great British Mortgage Swindle Film – The FB page
Watch on Amazon Prime:
Buy the DVD on Amazon:
See the film in a UK cinema: https://www.thegreatbritishmortgageswindle
Mortgage Fraud Three Letter send -
Visit Forged Signatures: -

So You want to join the Class Action – informs you the steps to take to get up to speed…  

Beat the Bailiffs all things CCJ – Parking Bandits – Bailiffs – Debt Collectorszombie debt buyers
This is for all things non-mortgage where people get shit scared they will lose their pants – otherwise called irrational fear of criminal actions against you!! A place where instant professional advice and guidance is freely given.

Please feel free to spread this information to all who have and hold mortgages, have done so in the past or have been repossessed or otherwise interfered with

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Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

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