


Lawful Resistance

Taking Back What Never Was Theirs To Take From Us In The First Place

The Why and How it Becomes Imperative for Each of Us to Reclaim Our Sovereign Human Being
To feel powerless is a horrible, desolate and miserable place to find oneself in. To be physically and mentally robbed of our unique and supreme power is criminal on every scale existing. Reclaiming that power, individually and, by extension, collectively is not only a right but also a duty to ourselves. To do anything less, to cave into the submission of servant to external master is, simply slavery, plain and simple - a life of deprivation and self-loathing.

We see and hear a lot around the BLM movement, the fight for justice of this faction and that minority. We are clamoured into perpetual reminder as to the inequality and injustice doled out,  yet if we remain slaves to an overarching Overlord, we merely end up bickering and in fighting around the edges of a far greater injustice perpetrated. That, friends, is one of their playbook 'specials' and we fall for it hook, line and sinker, when we allow ourselves to be distracted. Ignorance of the greater injustice perpetrated, that criminal intent we are subjected to,  is the key keeping us locked into our self made mind cell.

No amount of ranting, jumping up and down and complaining the unfairness of a system controlling us will provide answers, unless we cut out the root of the iniquity, evil, cruelty and harm to our Sovereign Being.

That so many will conclude this to be a task too impossible to negotiate, too far fetched to imagine, illustrates the relative ignorance existing in such minds. If I were to tell you that there are those living, who are working to re-establish our human freedoms and take back the power stripped from us, would that make you actively get involved? The system that has taken the reins, in fact held them for centuries, let's call them the Cabal, can be brought down and held to account.

Sadly there are many who shy back, through fear, from the very thought of confrontation, simply because they have developed mindsets that are more comfortable with collusion than confrontation. They think: it was always thus, what can I do about it? Yet that ill informed view is as incorrect as black is white.

We often hear, "Well if it was that easy, why aren't we being told about it", or better, "If it's that possible why haven't more done this?" These sorts of reactions come from those that cannot consider those in power are capable of lying to us. News is that is their MO. We have just passively accepted that fact!

First off, through their propaganda organ, the mainstream bullshit factory, they would die rather than let you into their control system and secondly, most are not prepared to put in the effort to make lasting change. This needs commitment, effort and application. Too many in this life want an easy, someone-else-will-do-it-for-me method. Well, to all those people I say categorically -  it does not exist. Life does not operate like that, whether you think it does or not. You made your life a shit pile or a cosy 'nanny will take of me' scenario - it is up to you to clean it up, make changes that release you from ever falling into the same pit again or just die a miserable failure for you, your children and theirs.

Ooh! Did you hear that? Loads of click-aways by terrified, too lazy, vicarious onlookers!

The Tripod Of Deceit

The Difference Between Legal and Lawful (Corporate Representation)

Lysander Spooner on Taxation Being Theft (No Treason)

Also James Corbett on more of Lysander Spooner

Government to Citizen: You must pay your tax so that we can protect you.
Citizen to Government: What are you protecting me from?
Government to Citizen: From what we will do to you if you don't pay your tax.

The Life and Thought of Lysander Spooner

FROM 2013: Today we’re joined by Gary Chartier of the Center for a Stateless Society for a discussion about the life and work of Lysander Spooner. We talk about Spooner’s American Letter Mail Company, his abolitionist activism, and the development of his anarchist philosophy and his arguments against the state.

Sovereign Solutions


Dump ALL of Your Preconceptions

However any of us have been brought up, educated to believe in and taught, it is a safe bet to say that 90% of that is incorrect. To carry that baggage, reassured, through ignorance, that it is the right way, is the greatest single perpetration of the greatest lie told. To then remind yourself you are the one telling it, ought that not waken you, like a hammer to the head? Sadly ego, indoctrination and refusal to see or enact change becomes the default parameter of the trapped.
We become, in short, our own worst enemy and remain mostly utterly ignorant of Truth, even though it is staring us in the face.


Get To Know Your Rights

If change is to be forthcoming it is incumbent on each of us to self educate. It is too easy in this age of social media and cod intelligence, to rant, spout and demand rights and obligations of and by others, when all the time you are trapped in a system that loves to see your ignorance of your own rights ignored. More than any other page in history we are at the unique cross roads where:
On one side having all the information and knowledge at our finger tips with the ability to making choices between our own freedom or continued enslavement
On the other happily staying enslaved.

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Public Notice


Spread the Word, Tell The Truth

Too many are buying into the lie see why

For those courageous enough to move forward, this site was created. It is not alone in offering content, knowledge and assistance to the self change and educational process, yet it is in total co-operation with all who are of like mind and endeavour. 


Lawful Resistance

Where to Start

The Journey starts here. If you have more information that would be helpful please get in contact

Initial Steps:

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Dreams and Realities A book for our time Mobirise


Jonathan Trapman

Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavours to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

The Freedom Cycle

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